Creating an Invention – Best & Worst Transits

In 1975 the mood ring was popularized. It’s a pretty funky ring that changes colours based on your mood. Though it was promoted and sold by two gentlemen, it was created a couple of years before that by a man named Marvin Wernick. It was said that he had a child who was not well and had a fever. In the hospital, the doctor placed thermotropic tape on the child’s head and that change colours to let the doctor know the child had a fever. Marvin, who was a jeweller, saw this and was amazed. He got the idea to create a piece of jewelry that did something like the thermal tropic tape. And so the mood ring was created, changing colour based on your body temperature/mood. So what are the best transit for creating these kinds of inventions?

Best transits

Uranus is usually featured when there is an invention. Look for our positive aspect (sextile, trine or conjunction) from planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter) to Uranus. You may also see inventions created when there are oppositions and squares. This may be the case when an invention is created out of an accident.

The next thing that you want to look at is what sign you’re Uranus is in. When the mood ring was created it was the 1970s. Around that time Uranus was in Libra. Libra is a sign of aesthetics and beauty, so it doesn’t surprise me that an inventive piece of jewelry may have been created and was popular during that time.  Uranus spends 7 years in a sign and is currently in Taurus. As an example, Taurus is associated with food and agriculture and so things like food security inventions and so on are likely to be happening around this time.

Worst transits

Basically any other aspect. Uranus is the key feature of the invention.

Don’t forget you can subscribe to the business timing calendar to search for times when Uranus is making great aspects to look out for your next invention!!