Membership Information

You have selected the Business Timing Calendar Membership membership level.

Annual Membership to the Business Timing Calendar!

  • Astrology of the day with information on how to use it in your business
  • Ability to search the entire year for good days for business activities – signing contracts, negotiations, networking, and marketing
  • Includes Stellar Launch days  – good times to launch a business or make significant moves in your business
  • Red Flag days – days to stay away from to avoid poor outcomes in your business

In addition, you will be added as a paid subscriber on substack where you can enjoy

  • Paid content designed specifically for entrepreneurs on Substack.
  • Workshop replays
  • You will also be able to participate in a chat forum, connecting with my expertise and others using astrology in their business!



The price for membership is $129.00 per Year.

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